Newspaper Transcriptions
Genealogy-Cumbria Transcriptions
Well over 25000 postings including births, marriages and deaths; court cases and general news items from from the GENEALOGY-CUMBRIA Google Group
This is not Cumbria FHS content - we are providing (with permission) on a seoarate page, this access route to the Forum as a service to the genealogy community.
These can be browsed in read-only mode in this site, but we recommend that you visit the site directly, by clicking on the Use Google Groups link where you will be able to search by any name or keyword occurring in the text.
You can also join the Google Group, in order to add your own comments, or request help from fellow group members.
There are extracts from five C19th Cumbrian newspapers (so far) and you can limit the display to each title
Carlisle Journal 1801-1815, 1833-1846
Carlisle Patriot 1816-1823
Westmorland Gazette 1828-39
Penrith Herald 1874
Cumberland Pacquet 1793, 1816
Note that if you follow any of these links, they will open in a new browser tab. After you have finished, you should close the tab to return to this page.
These transcriptions have been done tirelessly by Petra Mitchinson and Barb Barker to whom we owe a debt of gratitude.
In particular, these transcriptions contain tens of thousands of BMDs, and over time they will be indexed and added to Cumbrian People Search on this website.
As well as the the old newspapers, there are also a few other transcriptions of registers and directories, plus enquiries and contributions from Group Members.
In addition, the same transcriptions have also been posted on list-cumbria, a mail list server maintained by Cumbria FHS.
Joining instructions are available at The archive can be browsed at
Further information on Cumbrian Newspapers is available on this site.