CUMBRIA FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY Genealogy for the County of Cumbria


Cumbria FHS Newsletters

Quarterly Newsletters

There have been over 190 issues of the Newsletter published since 1976. It is the most appreciated and visible member benefit of joining the Society. They are produced quarterly in March, June, September and December, and sent by post or made available electronically for all members. The entire archive is available here on this website for members only.

We encourage members to submit their surname interests as a means to find fellow researchers. Articles and other contributions are always welcome.

Current issue

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This is not a personal password.

It will have been communicated 

Please do not share the password or document with non-members, or republish the password or document on the  Web or elsewhere.

There is also a sample issue (No. 178 May 2021) available so that non-members can enjoy a typical issue.


Our Newsletters are available as Flipbooks hosted by


Each Newsletter will open in a new browser tab, where you can "turn the pages" of the Flipbook using arrow keys, or mouse or touchpad gestures. You can also advance more quickly using the vertical bar to the left of the display. There are also icons on the left hand side for

It is recommended to use a Windows PC or a recent Mac computer.

After you have read the newsletter, you can close the browser tab to return to this page.

Older Newsletters are available to members in the Online Archive