SOCIETY Contact Form
This is a facility for making enquiries, suggestions or comments about the Society and its organisation or activities. You can use it to inform the membership secretary of changes to your contact details.
Please do not use it for assistance with your research problems or enquiries about using the County Record Offices. If you need help from fellow members you can join the Society's Facebook Group, or if you are a Society Member you can post your research interests free of charge in the Society Newsletter. In addition, we have provided extensive guidance notes (and hints and tips) under the Reseach menu heading on this website.
When you use the form, if you are logged into a Google account, it may identify your email address - however if you wish us to respond to a different address, it is the one in the Email field that is the important one.
If the form asks you to "log in" you can ignore this. It is not necessary and will serve no purpose.
We use this Contact Form to prevent SpamBots harvesting our email addresses, and to facilitate the forwarding of your queries to the Society Officer best suited to respond. In the Contact Form, we collect your email address in order to respond to your enquiry. It will only be shared with Society Officers.
If you prefer not to use the form, or wish to send attachments, or screenshots (of website issues), then you can email directly the relevant Society Officer using the email address published in the latest issue of our Newsletter.