CUMBRIA FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY Genealogy for the County of Cumbria

   RESEARCH Tithe Records

Carlisle Record Office

Tithe Records

Tithes were payments in kind made to the Parish by the Parishioners and were basically taxes. Generally it was a percentage of the crops, animals or vegetables etc. that were produced by a person.

During the dissolution of the monasteries (1536-1541) by Henry VIII things changed and these tithes became payable to the new landowners who had inherited the land during this process.

As time progressed, these payments became made in money rather than kind. Enclosure of land, particularly towards the end of the 18th century, further changed the payment of tithes. Enclosure is where previously open land for common use of all became fenced off and assigned to individual owners, see The Land for more details.

There are two classes of records which may be useful

Another similar source is the 1910 Valuation, this comes in two parts,

You will have to visit Kew and using the same number you can refer to the main book which has full details, as these details were supplied by the owner they can be from a sparse description to a full inventory of the property. You can search the catalogue on line to find the book reference you need, the field books are referenced under IR58 and there are over 95 thousand volumes.