Research Sources
Research Sources Overview
Glossary of the headings under the top level Research menu.
(these are sub-divided into Main sources and Advanced Sources in the top level menu)
Getting Started A guide for the novice to get started
Birth Marriage and Death Certificates. The definitive source of information back to 1837.
IGI Records. International Genealogical Index, for baptisms and marriages, available on FamilySearch
Parish Records. Details about church parish records and where they are kept.
Monumental Inscriptions. The inscriptions on tombs and memorials in Church Cemeteries.
Wills and Probate. Where to find wills.
Manorial Records. What Manorial Records are and where they are kept.
Quarter Sessions. What Quarter Sessions are and where they are kept.
Tithe Records. Where to find and how to use these tax records.
Censuses. What censuses there are and where to find them.
Military Records. Records for those who did military service.
Newspapers. Details of the Newspapers for Cumbria.
Trade Directories. Details of Directories for Cumbria.
Migration Records. Where to find details of those who left to go overseas.
Other Records. Miscellaneous other records that can be useful for research.
PARISHES on Genuki
Margaret Russell Library (At the Cumbria Archive Centre in Carlisle)
CUMBRIAN WEBLINKS Concise list of websites useful for Cumbrian research.